Grade 9 PowerSchool 101 Parent Info Session

Canadian Rockies Public Schools (CRPS) hosted two informative sessions for Gr. 9 parents on Nov. 4 at Banff Community High School (BCHS) and Nov. 5 at Canmore Collegiate High School (CCHS). These “PowerSchool 101” sessions aimed to help parents understand CRPS’ evolving approach to assessment and reporting, with a focus on equitable and meaningful evaluation methods.
During the sessions, parents explored what effective assessment looks like for Gr. 9 students, with insights into CRPS’ Three Pillars of Assessment—ensuring evaluations are accurate, bias-resistant, and motivational. Discussions pursued on how teachers use triangulated evidence, gathering observations, products, and conversations to assess learning holistically. CRPS’ proficiency scale, which emphasizes strengths-based and growth-oriented assessment, also was explained, showing parents how feedback is used to support ongoing learning. Additionally, the sessions guided parents on how to monitor their child’s progress in PowerSchool, with a practical overview of accessing standards-based grades.
Access a copy of the presentation through the link above.