Inspiring Hearts and Minds

Staff Directory


placeholder image for Natasha Miles

Natasha Miles



placeholder image for Renee Husdal

Renee Husdal

Administrative Assistant

Support Staff

placeholder image for Reggie Arceta

Reggie Arceta


placeholder image for Elly Bunao

Elly Bunao


placeholder image for Hiromi Kaneko

Hiromi Kaneko



placeholder image for Janis Bekar

Janis Bekar

School Guidance and Academic Counsellor /Learning Support Teacher

placeholder image for Emily Nicholson

Emily Nicholson

School and Family Wellness Worker

placeholder image for Lynne Ratzke

Lynne Ratzke

CRPS Family School Liaison Counsellor


placeholder image for Monica Bulas

Monica Bulas

Math, Science

placeholder image for Catherine Dafoe

Catherine Dafoe

Art, Fashion Studies

placeholder image for Martie Haugan

Martie Haugan

PE, CALM, Athletic Director

placeholder image for Laura Hunt

Laura Hunt

Teacher - Distance Education

placeholder image for Susan Reid

Susan Reid

Phys Ed, Foods

placeholder image for Bronwyn Richards

Bronwyn Richards

Science, Biology

placeholder image for Chelsea Roy

Chelsea Roy

Construction, Outdoor Education, Science 10

placeholder image for Maya Russow

Maya Russow

Math, Science, Chemistry, Physics

placeholder image for Brian Sand

Brian Sand

Humanities, Music

placeholder image for Jared Strand

Jared Strand


placeholder image for Kristen Wiggins

Kristen Wiggins

English, Social Studies, Fashion Design


placeholder image for Fumie Craven

Fumie Craven


Educational Assistants

placeholder image for Jessi Ferris

Jessi Ferris

placeholder image for Pauline DeCol

Pauline DeCol