Inspiring Hearts and Minds

Student Life

Junior High

In Grade 9, students must take English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science and Physical Education. Students can choose two to four complimentary courses per year from a list that could include: French, Outdoor Education, Music, Art, Foods, Media and Design and Construction.

Honour Society

Academic excellence is celebrated every year at BCHS through our honour roll at our Honours’ Society Presentations. Criteria can also be found in the Student-Parent Handbook. 

The following criteria will be used based on the Rutherford Criteria for Alberta: 80% average in five courses. At least two of Math 9, Science 9, Social Studies 9. Any other two equivalent full semester course.

The Honour Society Celebration will be held in the fall so that all provincial assessment tests (PATs) and diploma exams will be included in the final calculation of student grades. 

Senior High

BCHS offers high school students all of the required courses and a select number of optional courses required to receive an Alberta High School Diploma. Students can also take courses at Canmore Collegiate High School or through the partnerships CRPS has with Golden Hills Academy, SAIT and Olds College in Flex blocks.

The majority of core and option courses are semestered. Humanities 10, STEM 10, PE10 and CALM 20 run all year.  Semestered five credit courses meet five times per week.

Honour Society

Academic excellence is celebrated every year at BCHS through our Honour Roll at our Honours Society Presentation. Criteria can also be found in the Student-Parent Handbook. We follow the Rutherford Scholarship criteria for Alberta which requires 80% average in five courses:


One of:

English 10-1,10-2

One of:

English 20-1,20-2

One of:

English 20-1,20-2

At least two of:

  • Math 10C
  • Science 10
  • Social Studies 10-1 or 10-2
  • A language other than English at the grade 10 level.

At least two of:

  • Math 20-1,or 20-2
  • Chemistry 20
  • Physics 20
  • Biology 20
  • Science 20
  • Social Studies 20-1 or 20-2
  • A language other than English at the grade 11 level.

At least two of:

  • Math 30-1,30-2 or 31
  • Chemistry 30
  • Physics 30
  • Biology 30
  • Science 30
  • Social Studies 30-1 or 30-2
  • A language other than English at the grade 12 level.

Any two courses with a minimum five credit value at the Grade 10 level, including those listed above,these may be combined option and introductory CTS courses (ie. five one credit modules may be combined as a five credit course)

Any two courses with a minimum five credit value at the Grade 10 level, including those listed above these may be combined option and intermediate CTS courses (ie. five one credit modules may be combined as a five credit course)

Any two courses with a minimum five credit value at the Grade 10 level, including those listed above these may be combined option and advanced CTS courses (ie. five one credit modules may be combined as a five credit course



The Honours’ Society Celebration will be held in the fall so that all diploma exams will be included in the final calculation of student grades.