Inspiring Hearts and Minds

About Us

Grades Taught

Grades 9 to 12


Banff Community High School welcomes students in Grades 9 to 12 and offers an academic program to meet the needs of all students The program meets the requirements of Alberta Education and affords all students the opportunity to graduate from B.C.H.S. and receive an Alberta High School Diploma, Certificate of Achievement or Certificate of School Completion. Our students have a comprehensive choice in their graduation pathway; they can study Pure Sciences, Mathematics to Calculus and Humanities courses in addition to a broad selection of Fine Arts and Career and Technology Studies courses. Our diverse school's community consists of students who have attended school in Banff since Kindergarten, students whose families are newcomers to Banff from other parts of Canada or from abroad and students who are part of the Canadian Rockies Public Schools' International Program.


Natasha Miles

Education Plan

School Education Plan

Annual Education Results Report

School Annual Results Report



Be involved and be a friend.


Give your best effort.


Take ownership for your own behaviour and choices.


Respect yourself, others and property.


Think before you act and follow rules to ensure safety for all.

Professional Learning Communities

Canadian Rockies Public Schools has a divisional professional development focus of teachers collaborating in teams focused on developing and implementing goals aimed at improving student learning. This culture of professional sharing is referred to as a Professional Learning Community. All members of the school community are learners and focused on improving learning and instruction. Our Friday meetings are used to collaborate with both school based and divisional colleagues. We consider this to be a critical part of the learning process for staff and students.